Sep 28, 2010

Smith Mountain Lake 5K and 1 mile swim
Check out the results for DAMA from Smith Mountain Lake!
Great Job to Missy Anderson, David Bacon, Mike Dalton, Matt Davis, Sonia Grego, Sandra McKinnon, Kim Rice and Robert Weber!
(in alphabetical order)
Hope to see more of you out there next year! You can reserve a cabin starting October 23, 2010 if you wish on the Virginia State Park website for 2011. The swim is always the same weekend as the Big Lick Triathlon and the last weekend in September.

Thanks for a fun weekend!

Swim to Remember 2010!
Please sign up online. Team name is DAMA Big Splash and keyword is DAMA.
Tell a friend! Winning team participants will receive a swim towel.
DAMA has won this event the past two years.